LAFCO of Napa County Celebrates big wins at CALAFCO Annual Conference.

The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of Napa County was honored for exceptional achievement in multiple areas at the California Association of LAFCO’s (CALAFCO) annual meeting on October 19, 2023, winning three notable awards and reigning triumphant in the election of two commissioners to the CALAFCO Board of Directors.
Napa LAFCO’s distinguished day began with two of the commissioners winning their elections for seats on the CALAFCO Board of Directors. Napa LAFCO Chair Margie Mohler was reelected to her fourth term as a city member and was also elected as Chair of the CALAFCO Board. Napa LAFCO Commissioner Ken Leary won his first term on the CALAFCO Board as a public member. Both of their two-year terms commence immediately and expire in October 2025.
Napa LAFCO’s success continued into the evening by winning a prestigious award for agricultural preservation and excellence in public service for their actions related to Green Island Vineyard.
The second recognition was the Associate Member Achievement Award for Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley, PC (CHW), a longstanding Associate Member whose attorneys routinely volunteer for all things CALAFCO. Their insight, assistance, and contributions to CALAFCO improve the work, education, and problem solving of all 58 LAFCOs throughout California. Napa LAFCO’s legal counsel, Gary Bell with CHW, was on hand to accept the award.
The third award of note is the Lifetime Achievement Award for Dawn Mittleman Longoria, Napa LAFCO’s Assistant Executive Officer. Her career spanning over four decades is a testament to an unwavering dedication to LAFCO’s mission and willingness to spearhead important work contributing to LAFCO operations and the broader CALAFCO community. Dawn’s work as a consultant for fire districts and her many other accomplishments validate her expertise in facilitating local government improvements. Dawn’s experience, skills, and desire to contribute meaningfully have benefitted all regions throughout California.